Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has announced the Kisan Card, which aims to increase farmers’ incomes and provide them with monetary benefits. CM Punjab Kisan Card has created a ray of hope for Punjab’s farmers thanks to the fact that now the farmers can receive subsidies through this card. Also, you can register online at Ehsaas Aghosh Program 10500 here.
Online Registration for Kisan Card By CM Punjab
You can apply for the Kissan Card at a designated HBL Konnect center and the card will be delivered to your home as soon as possible. It is important to note that this program aims to increase the harvest yields of crops and solve the problem of food shortages across the province of Punjab.
Kisan Card Latest Key Features
Farmers and landlords will benefit from the Kisan Card, as the Punjabi government has added some essential elements to it.
- With Maryam Nawaz Kisan Card, farmers and cultivators can receive financial assistance
- As a result of the Kisan Card, the government will provide social protection and centered subsidies to its holders
- Punjab will cut the price of inputs and fertilizers for farmers maintaining Kisan cards by 20 percent
- A farmer can obtain a loan of up to 20 lakhs through a Kisan Card from the Bank of Punjab.
- An agricultural mortgage of zero percent will be provided
- Farmers will be able to access loans in the form of the Kisan Card Scheme worth 469 billion rupees
Kisan Registration Online Punjab – Eligibility Criteria
A digital process is used throughout this program to ensure transparency. Visiting your district administration office will allow you to register yourself. This card can only be registered by those with PITB logins.
- Kisan Card Scheme eligibility standards were provided by the Punjab Government. Humans are eligible to obtain a Kisan Card by meeting the eligibility standards shown below.
- Agricultural land owners or farmers with more than 4 acres can obtain a Kisan card.
- Those who haven’t borrowed and paid their mortgages on time will qualify for Kisan Cards.
- Additionally, farmers without capital will get Kisan Cards to buy farming equipment.
- Furthermore, the Kisan Card Scheme will extend coverage to farmers already covered by the Kisan Relief Program.
kisan Helpline number Punjab Pakistan
For any question and queries contact here.
Address: | 21-Davis Road, Lahore |
Phone: | +92-42-99200522, +92-42-99200523 |
How to Apply Online for New CM Punjab Kisan Card 2024?
Online applications are available through the HBL Konnect Kisan Card package. To apply physically, follow these steps:
- You can visit any nearby HBL Konnect Retailer (current vendor)
- Verification of biometric information will be carried out
- Upon verification, a MA/Mobile Wallet MW (L-1) account will be created
- The Kisan card bundle is available for Rs.500 after 15-20 days. In a few days, your local agriculture office will give you a card with your name and logo
- Once it has been verified, your card will be available at the Agriculture Tehsil Office